

We invite entrepreneurs of Kharkiv region to join a webinar on the grant program from the international humanitarian organization Mercy Corps as part of the Economic Resilience Support Program for Ukraine.
The event will be useful for anyone interested in gaining new knowledge and skills, as well as financial assistance for developing their own business.
We will talk about:➡ the current program of support for small and medium-sized businesses in the amount of USD 20 thousand under the Economic Resilience Program of Ukraine (ERP)➡ peculiarities of submitting a grant application, preparation of a project application➡ algorithm of the grantee's path
Speakers:Oksana Kachurivska, Head of the Diia.Business Entrepreneur Support Center in Ternopil and the West Ukraine Digital project office, grant writer and project manager, business development expert.Natalia Handz - Deputy Project Manager
🕰️ September 24, 16:00✍�� 
Why you should attend:● The event is free of charge● Valuable knowledge and practical advice● Opportunity to get answers to your questions
*The event is organized by the NGO West Ukrainian Digital in cooperation with the NGO Association of Private Employers. The Economic Resilience Program for Ukraine (ERP) is implemented by the ERP consortium, which includes Mercy Corps, Right to Protection, Helvetas and JERU (a joint partnership of Welthungerhilfe and Concern Worldwide) with the support of Switzerland through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)



We took part in the Inclusion Week on September 10-12 in Kyiv, organized by the international humanitarian organization Mercy Corps in partnership with Alliances.Global and Humanity and Inclusion.
During the three days, we gained important knowledge about inclusive communication, service delivery standards, and accountability to the affected - the main aspects of effective humanitarian action.
Our projects, which cover a wide range of areas, help us respond to the needs of a wide range of people. Inclusive communication is key to ensuring fair access to services, building trust and accountability to those we support.
We thank our partners for their organization and cooperation!



We took part in a meeting with local businesses in the Rubizhne community on the occasion of the Entrepreneur's Day.

This meeting was not only an opportunity to share valuable knowledge, but also an important platform for open discussion of business support issues

During the meeting, Natalia Gandz, project manager of West Ukraine Digital, told more about grant opportunities for entrepreneurs and, in particular, about the details and stages of the second phase of the Economic Resilience Programme for Ukraine, which the international humanitarian organisation Mercy Corps is implementing together with West Ukraine Digital. The programme provides financial support to small and medium-sized businesses that have suffered from the consequences of the full-scale war and need funds to restore or expand their operations. The programme is available in the Dnipro and Kyiv regions, and from September it will also be expanded to the Kharkiv region. Preparing a high-quality application and receiving a grant is not an easy task. The requirements of donor organisations, logical project matrices, budgeting, and evaluation of results all require attention and hard work to win the competition.

The event also discussed topical issues, including access to loans, grants, and participation in various support and development programmes. Entrepreneurs shared their stories of relocation and business recovery in the new environment. Igor Bondarenko, co-founder of the innovative company AGK Ukraine LLC, which has been operating in Rubizhne for 20 years, shared his story with the participants. Last year, the company attracted grant funds from the international humanitarian organisation Mercy Corps during the first phase of the Economic Resilience Programme for Ukraine, which allowed it to set up an autonomous green electricity supply for its production process.

Thank you for the invitation and cooperation! Such meetings facilitate the exchange of experience, cooperation and business development, providing support and new opportunities for all participants, regardless of their place of residence or origin. Supporting entrepreneurship in these difficult times is an important element of Ukraine's economic resilience.

The Economic Resilience Programme for Ukraine (ERP) is implemented by the ERP consortium, which includes Mercy Corps, Right to Protection, Helvetas and JERU (a joint partnership of Welthungerhilfe and Concern Worldwide), with support from Switzerland through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

May 2024 — up to now


The international humanitarian organization Mercy Corps, together with partner’s organization NGO ”West Ukraine Digital”, starts second phase of Ukraine Economic Resilience Program which helps to restore business activity and/or expand small and medium-sized enterprises affected by the war.
The program covers businesses that are relocated to Dnipropetrovsk oblast, Kyiv city and Kyiv oblast, or war-affected local businesses in these regions, and they need funds to restore or expand their business activity.
Participants will be selected on a competitive basis.
It’s expected that thanks to the assistance received, the business can restore and/or expand its activities focusing on creation or sustainment of job positions for internally displaced persons (IDPs) and war-affected population.
The average amount of financial assistance which is provided for the purchase of production fixed assets is USD 20,000 in UAH equivalent at the current rate of the National Bank of Ukraine.
The program participant must perform the full calculation, accounting, and payment of all taxes according to the current legislation of Ukraine.
Terms of program participation:● official registration and absence of juridical and legal obstacles for entrepreneurial activity according to the requirements of Ukrainian legislation;● creation or preservation at least three job positions for IDPs or war-affected population;● investment of own funds in the amount of up to 50% of the amount of financial assistance.
Program participants will be selected on a competitive basis according to the following criteria:● clear argumentation of the need to receive financial assistance;● compliance of the business idea with the conditions and goals of the program;● viability and sustainability of the business idea which involves an increase in profit as a result of its implementation;● realistic business plan and clear understanding of its implementation;● relevant experience of running a business;● absence of comments to the participant’s business reputation
To apply for the program, you just need to fill out a questionnaire after registering on the main page of the website.
If you need advice on the program and how to apply, you can contact us via the following communication channels:moc.liamg%40tseuqer.duw+380973421646by the feedback form
The project is being implemented by the NGO West Ukrainian Digital.The Economic Resilience Support Program for Ukraine is implemented with the financial support of Switzerland through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).



National program “Trajectory” for veterans, military personnel and spouses: get a grant to develop your own business
Trajectory, a national educational and grant program for veterans, military personnel, and spouses, is launched.
The goal of the program is to provide aspiring entrepreneurs with basic knowledge, practical advice and financial support to start and develop their own business. The program was initiated by Diia.Business, a network of entrepreneurial support centers, and Aurora, a chain of multimarket stores.
Based on the results of the training and the business projects presented, 50 participants will receive UAH 100,000 of financial support on a competitive basis to start or develop their own business. The application deadline is June 16, 23:59.
“Strong people create the best future! The main thing is to set the right trajectory. I and the team of the Ministry of Veterans are very impressed by this principle, which is the essence of the program. And we are already following it, proposing and implementing projects and tools that will give impetus to the application of unique knowledge and skills and become an incentive for development. After all, we perceive every veteran who is returning to civilian life today as a leader, as a driver of the economy, capable of generating ideas and implementing them. There are already many examples of this. The Ukrainian Veterans' Fund of the Ministry of Veterans has provided grants for more than 500 projects to develop their own business, from a coffee shop to providing psychological assistance to their brothers and sisters. So there is a demand, and we will help implement them together,” says Oleksandr Porkhun, acting Minister of Veterans Affairs.
The Program is open to all:● Veterans (persons with the status of combatants)● military personnel (persons who participated in the implementation of measures to ensure national security and defense, repulse and deter the armed aggression of the Russian Federation)● spouse (official spouse of veterans or military personnel, including those killed, missing and captured)
“At the Ministry of Digital Transformation, we are actively working on the digital transformation of business. We initiate educational and grant programs, introduce new digital services and services. We also support the initiatives of our partners aimed at developing the entrepreneurial skills of Ukrainians. Among these initiatives is the new Trajectory accelerator. It is designed to provide veterans, military personnel and their families with resources and tools to realize their entrepreneurial ambitions. According to the survey, 64% of veterans and active military personnel want to start their own business. So our common goal is to support them on this path and create conditions for the successful development of small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine,” said Valeria Ionan, Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine for European Integration.
When selecting applications, priority will be given to businesses that produce kitchen utensils, metal for the kitchen, textiles, towels, clothing, accessories, toys, plastic goods, and garment companies.
*You can apply for the Program even if your activity is not included in the list of priority sectors.
The training will be held online and will include both theoretical and practical parts. During the first theoretical stage, participants will attend a webinar on developing a business plan, lectures by veteran entrepreneurs, and sessions with a psychologist. During the second practical stage, future entrepreneurs will create a business plan and receive individual consultations from experts.
“We believe that supporting entrepreneurs, especially those with unique experience and skills, is the key to building a strong economic future. These are the superhumans of the present and the future with a unique experience of endurance, discipline, teamwork and thirst for results,” said Taras Panasenko, CEO of Aurora multimarket chain.
You can find out more about the project and apply for participation on the Program's landing page here.
The application deadline is June 16, 2024.
The Trajectory educational and grant program was initiated by the Diia.Business network of entrepreneur support centers and the Aurora multimarket chain. The national project is being implemented with the support of the Ministry of Digital Transformation, the Ministry of Veterans Affairs, and the Entrepreneurship and Export Development Office, with the assistance of UNDP in Ukraine and the Government of Sweden, the Ukrainian Veterans Fund of the Ministry of Veterans.



National educational program Svitanok launches to enter the international market
The national educational program Svitanok aims to strengthen the capacity of Ukrainian companies with little export experience to enter the international market by providing relevant knowledge, tools and expert advice.
The program will select 100 representatives of micro, small and medium-sized businesses that want to expand their export geography and foreign partner base.
The following can apply for participation:● export managers, company executives responsible for foreign economic activity● Representatives of companies planning to start or expand export activities in 2024 or have export experience and are existing exporters with little experience from micro, small and medium-sized businesses in all industries.
The training will take place in offline and online formats from May 7 to 28, 2024, and will include 12 online lectures and 5 group offline/online meetings at 10 Diia.Business entrepreneur support centers in Bucha, Odesa, Uzhhorod, Kremenchuk, Kryvyi Rih, Poltava, Lutsk, Ternopil, Rivne, and at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Among the main topics of the training:● Opportunities and challenges for Ukrainian companies in the international market● Methods of market research● Peculiarities of export legislation and regulation● Marketing tools for product promotion in the international market● Choosing the best strategy for implementing innovations in the international market● Conducting trade negotiations and concluding agreements
The speakers and mentors of the educational program will be experts and practitioners who promote and scale products on international platforms. Each module will consist of theoretical and practical trainings, homework assignments, and feedback sessions based on the results of the homework.
Based on the results of the training and the overall rating of the educational component, 20 participants will receive comprehensive plans for expanding export opportunities and recommendations for improving their business strategy for entering the international market. An additional component of the program will be the opportunity for 20 finalists of the national educational program to receive three months of free access to the Kompass* software product, as well as the creation and content of pages for companies in the professional network LinkedIn.
*Kompass is an international B2B search portal, a leading long-standing Martech company that provides data and innovative solutions for sales, marketing and procurement professionals around the world.
You can participate by filling out the registration form for the program's landing page here: The application deadline is April 29, 2024.
*After filling in the registration form, all registered participants will receive an e-mail by May 3 with information on further participation.
For more details, please contact the program email: au.ten.konativs%40ofni
The National Education Program “Svitanok” was initiated by the Entrepreneur Support Center Diia.Business in Ternopil and implemented by the network of Diia.Business centers with the assistance of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, the Office for Entrepreneurship and Export Development with the support of the European Union and the German Government within the framework of the EU4Business: SME Recovery, Competitiveness and Internationalization Program, which is implemented in Ukraine by the German Federal Company Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the NGO West Ukrainian Digital and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union, the German Government, GIZ


Workshop on the initialization of the project to develop an online platform for small and medium-sized enterprises

Recently, Ternopil National Technical University hosted a workshop on the initialization of a project to develop an online platform for small and medium-sized enterprises.
The event was attended by Oksana Kachurivska, head of the NGO West Ukrainian Digital, head of the Diia.Business center in Ternopil, an expert in attracting resources for community development, cooperation with international partners and donor organizations.
The event discussed digital transformation as a key topic for sustainable business development.
Other invited experts included:● Ruslan Savchyshyn, founder and CEO of MagneticOne.Group, a group of IT companies, public figure, volunteer and philanthropist;●Ihor Stefaniv, UNDP Regional Program Coordinator in Ternopil Oblast;● Mykhailo Ratushniak, Head of the NGO League of Entrepreneurs "Ukrainian Business";●Viktor Palianytsia, director of Palianytsia V.A., private entrepreneur● Yaroslav Kovalchuk, Director of SMARTTECHBUD LLC;●Olga Gevko, Director of Profi-Center (LLC "Training and Consulting Company "Profi-Center").
The members of the professional community of stakeholder experts shared their thoughts, ideas, and experiences, provided valuable recommendations, and found common ground for the future development of the project. The ideas and recommendations received will be used as a guide for further work.
The project continues to work towards increasing the competitiveness of domestic SMEs and the overall economy. Together we can achieve more!
Project team: Iryna Strutynska, Liliia Melnyk, Halyna Kozbur, Lesia Dmytrytsia, Olena Sorokivska, and Roman Sherstyuk - would like to thank everyone for their productive participation in the event.
The project is implemented with the support of The British Academy and Erasmus Jean Monnet.
#TheBritishAcademy #ErasmusJeanMonnet
#SustainableDevelopment #SME #ActionBusiness #UNDP #Ternopil


SME Grantees Forum held under the Program to Support Economic Resilience of Ukraine

On January 25-26, Lviv hosted a two-day grantees' forum for representatives of small and medium-sized businesses that received financial support from the international humanitarian organization Mercy Corps under the Economic Resilience Support Program, which helps restore and/or expand small and medium-sized businesses affected by the war.
At the event, the results of the program's activities were presented to entrepreneurs, and participants had the opportunity to get to know each other better, share their experiences in the program, establish useful contacts and cooperate together. The average amount of financial assistance is USD 20,000, which is allocated, depending on the needs, to restore, reorient or expand businesses with a focus on creating and/or preserving jobs for IDPs and war-affected populations.
Oksana Kachurivska, Head of West Ukraine Digital NGO, Head of the Diia.Business entrepreneur support center in Ternopil: "We are pleased to cooperate with the international humanitarian organization Mercy Corps within the framework of the Program to Support Ukraine's Economic Resilience. And even more so, to create platforms for entrepreneurs where they can communicate, interact, share experiences and develop. This is especially important during the relocation period, because in times of war we must look for ways to ensure that businesses do not just exist, but increase their potential and capabilities."
Taras Bendarevsky, SME Support Manager at Mercy Corps, shared with the participants the main results of the SME support component implementation and information on other opportunities and programs implemented by Mercy Corps. An important part of the event was a discussion with the participants about their experience in the program and how to use it to improve future programs. Applications for participation in the program in this area of support have been temporarily suspended. Information on the future development of the program is available here.
The forum consisted of thematic blocks: program presentations, panels with entrepreneurs' success stories, and practical lectures.
An important part of the meeting was feedback from the participants, discussion of the difficulties encountered during the relocation, resumption of operations and participation in the grant program, as well as achievements due to the financial support provided. During the panel of success stories, business representatives Anton Molchanov, Stanislav Kulaev and Inna Fedosienko made their own short presentations and shared their experience of relocation and resumption of operations.
Anton Molchanov, founder and director of Tekstura, spoke about his experience of moving from Luhansk to Lviv region and resuming work. The company produces furniture and textiles and has been on the market for over 6 years. Unfortunately, the production facility was completely destroyed and the rest is under occupation, so it was not possible to relocate the equipment. Despite the need to restore many aspects of the business and the equipment that has been purchased and accumulated over the years, sales and production capacity are already higher than before the outbreak of full-scale war. Thanks to financial support from the international humanitarian organization Mercy Corps, the company managed to purchase new equipment for the mass production of textiles, increase production volumes, increase profitability and create new jobs. There was little impact on the production of Tekstura Home furniture (chairs, beds, armchairs, sofas), the launch of Tekstura Linen home textiles and Tekstura Kids soft beds and mattresses.
Stanislav Kulayev shared the activities of Las Ville, Malvita, a bakery and confectionery company in Sumy region. The company produces flour confectionery, short-life cakes and pastries, long-life biscuits, puff pastries, cottage cheese products, custard cakes with cream, and biscuit products. Since the first days of the full-scale war, the business has been under full occupation. Later, the company managed to resume production and operations in general. Thanks to financial support, the business managed to purchase equipment, increase jobs, resume bread production and expand its range of confectionery products.
Inna Fedosienko, co-founder of the Slobozhanshchyna Vegetables Farm, also shared her experience of relocation. The farm grows vegetables and cereals, tubers and root crops. Since the first days of the full-scale war, it has been under full occupation in the Kharkiv region. To date, the company has partially resumed operations in Ivano-Frankivsk region. Thanks to the support of Mercy Corps, the farm has its own refrigerated semi-trailer. The vehicle greatly helps with harvesting crops in the field and allows them to avoid using third parties for transportation services.
In addition, the participants were looking for points of contact and overlap between the activities of their organizations. They also discussed their experience of interacting with local authorities and integrating into a new place of residence and doing business.
Speakers working in various industries shared their experience and ideas on how to set up company processes and scale up during the war.
The participants discussed the implementation of Lean in production with Andriy Dmytriyev, a consultant at Lean Institute Ukraine. The speaker has over 12 years of experience in developing and implementing production system improvement programs. He worked on Lean projects for the following companies: Nova Poshta, MHP, This is Pivbar, Biopharma, Tribo, Comfy, Centravis, InterAgroPack, Blanche, Yuria-Pharm, Kragelund, etc. In particular, they reviewed approaches and examples of technology implementation at various enterprises.
Solomiia Vozna, Key Account Manager, Expert at, shared labor market analytics from with the owners of the relocated business during a practical lecture. They also discussed the demographic situation, the activity of employers and job seekers, the main market trends, and the opportunities provided by for recruiting staff.
Lyudmyla Kalabukha, who has 29 years of experience in sales, shared five new methods of organizing the sale of your products in the Ukrainian realities of 2024. The UN Honorary Ambassador for Women's Entrepreneurship Development, an expert in top media, has written 3 books on sales that became the Best Books of Ukraine 2017/20/22.
We discussed exports and models of entering the foreign market with Valentyna Lyashenko, Foreign Economic Activity Manager of the International Cooperation Department of the State Enterprise "Office for Entrepreneurship and Export Development". Valentyna has more than 6 years of experience in communicating with foreign partners and retailers and assists them in selecting Ukrainian brands for cooperation. During the lecture, they also discussed in more detail how to communicate with large foreign chains, what is important for Ukrainian companies to consider in cooperation with chains, and what businesses need to know before participating in trade fairs.
Supporting the relocated entrepreneurs is essential for them to become stronger and make a positive contribution to the development of the economy and the recovery of Ukraine. This is understood not only by us, but also by the partners who supported our joint meeting. As a support to the participants, Lean Institute Ukraine gave everyone a discount on tuition at the School of Maintenance Service Development., a Ukrainian company that develops online recruitment, provided all entrepreneurs, forum participants with branded gifts, as well as promotional codes for discounts and consultations that will help in the selection of employees on
We are grateful to our partner, the Center for Innovation Development, which currently supports and advises about 100 local authorities on adaptation, recovery and development of the local economy, cooperation with businesses, including relocated ones, economic integration of IDPs, etc. In particular, through the implementation of the Economic Profile (Vkursi Economy).
To summarize, the forum was extremely useful, as it allowed us not only to meet other organizations, but also to learn about their work and achievements, and to enrich each other with practical advice and specifics of the activities of the companies that received funding.
We hope that such meetings will continue and become a good tradition for sharing experience, and the result will be long-lasting!
The event was organized by the NGO West Ukraine Digital in partnership with the international humanitarian organization Mercy Corps and together with the Entrepreneur Support Center Diia.Business in Ternopil within the framework of the Open Program to Support Economic Resilience of Ukraine, which is implemented with the financial support of Switzerland through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).



Presented the results of the Face of Business in the Community project

On November 27, the final press conference of the Face of Business in the Community project, which was implemented from April to November 2023 with the support of the EU4Business program, was held. At the event, entrepreneurs and all interested parties were presented with the results of project activities within the framework of the project, which was implemented and coordinated by the city council and the Diya.Business Entrepreneur Support Center in Ternopil.
In particular, the project implemented:- investment passport of the community of Ternopil- investment profile of the community on the website of the Ternopil City Council- a separate new section Investment opportunities in communities in the E-Ternopil mobile application- an entrepreneur's road map for entering new markets- an analytical report with an assessment of the export potential of SMEs of the community and an algorithm for promoting products outside the community- a portal for entrepreneurs with functionality for submitting documents and receiving a decision based on the outcome of the review- local profile of the Ternopil community and analytical report of the general characteristics of the SME sector- provided more than 100 consultations for active entrepreneurs and those who want to start their own business- conducted training courses:for active entrepreneurs Sustainable business development;for those who just want to start their own business How to build a fast-growing business;- produced online training courses on relevant topics, which are available on the educational platform of the center with unlimited access.
Ihor Krysovaty, deputy mayor for the activities of the council's executive bodies, gave a welcome speech:
«The greatest thanks to all entrepreneurs and persons who were interested in this project and were able to take direct part. Especially in the Ternopil community, the role of small and medium-sized enterprises is very high, both for the economy of the city and, in general, for the economy of the state. After all, as a rear area, first of all, we must work on the sustainable development of the economy and support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. For our part, we hope that there will be more such successful projects».
Tetyana Anishchuk, Deputy Director of the EU4Business: Recovery, Competitiveness and Internationalization of SMEs program spoke about the areas of work, current opportunities and available support tools of the EU4Business program for small and medium-sized businesses:
«Our program is aimed at creating better conditions for doing business in Ukraine. A large part of our program is cooperation with municipalities - communities with a population of 100,000 to 250,000. We are very glad that the Ternopil community has successfully implemented all the measures that meet the goals of our program and today there are already really valuable results».
Deputy head of the Entrepreneurship Development Fund, Valery Maiboroda also noted that the results of the project are quite tangible and will definitely have a long-term effect on the development and establishment of local business.
«This project is very valuable for us because, thanks to the joint cooperation, we were able to give the entrepreneurs that value and added value so that they could receive support, consulting, the necessary help in solving their questions and creating new tools», – said the head of the NGO WEST UKRAINE DIGITAL, Oksana Kachurivska
The results and implemented materials within the framework of the project were shared by: Tetyana Korchak – the head of the Department of Economy, Industry and Labor of the Ternopil City Council, Maryana Zvarych – the head of the Department of Digital Transformation and Media Communications of the Ternopil City Council, and Nataliya Lazarchuk – the head of the Face of Business in the Community project, project manager of the Center Diia.Business in Ternopil.
We will remind you that the goal of the project The face of business in the community is creation of better conditions for the development of entrepreneurship in the community, the formation of an innovative business culture and the acquisition of communication skills, which will contribute to expanding the access of SMEs to new sales markets outside the community.
Reference information:The event was organized within the framework of the project Face of business in the community, which is implemented by the NGO WEST UKRAINE DIGITAL within the framework of a grant competition for systemic support of small and medium-sized enterprises commissioned by the international cooperation program EU4Business: recovery, competitiveness and internationalization of SMEs, which is jointly financed The European Union and the German government. The grant competition is carried out by the Entrepreneurship Development Fund, the strategic executor of the program is the German federal company Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The program is aimed at supporting economic stability, recovery and growth of Ukraine, creating better conditions for the development of Ukrainian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as supporting innovation and exports.
The content of the publication is the sole responsibility of the NGO WEST UKRAINE DIGITAL and does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union, the German government, GIZ



Materials implemented as part of the project «Face of business in the community»

In modern conditions of war, the search for investment resources for development is a very difficult and urgent task for every community. And yet, when, if not today, to popularize one's own investment potential and take steps to meet the investor?
That is why we are pleased to present:�the investment passport of the community of Ternopil was developedInvestment passport is a comprehensive information document for potential internal and external investors, containing information about the community, its factors of investment attractiveness and investment opportunities.The document helps entrepreneurs to open a new or expand an existing business in the community�an investment profile of the community was created on the website of the Ternopil City Council🔸a separate new section «Investment opportunities in communities» in the E-Ternopil mobile application �an entrepreneur's road map for entering new markets�Analytical report with an assessment of the export potential of SMEs of the community and an algorithm for product promotion outside the community
The investment profile and section in the mobile application reflect the credit and investment attractiveness of the community and its investment potential.
Information about free land plots, premises, investment projects is displayed here, in addition, entrepreneurs, as well as all other interested persons, can submit their own investment idea and use the guide for investors.
This will allow potential entrepreneurs to invest in projects and, thus, participate in community development, establish business relationships with partners and consumers, evaluate competitors and assess their own investment potential.
We will be glad to see investors among partners who intend to conduct their business in the territory of our community!
All these developments became possible thanks to the cooperation of the NGO "West Ukraine Digital" together with the Ternopil City Council on the implementation of the "Face of Business to the Community" project. The project is aimed at creating better conditions for the development of entrepreneurship in the Ternopil community, forming an innovative business culture and acquiring communication skills, which will contribute to the expansion of SME access to new sales markets outside the community.
The materials were developed within the framework of the international cooperation program "EU4Business: recovery, competitiveness and internationalization of SMEs" with co-financing from the European Union and the German government. The program is aimed at supporting economic stability, recovery and growth of Ukraine, creating better conditions for the development of Ukrainian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as supporting innovation and exports. More details: The strategic executor of the program is the German federal company Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The executor of the grant competition is the Entrepreneurship Development Fund. The executor of the grant is the public organization "West Ukraine Digital".
The content of the investment profile and investment passport is the sole responsibility of the Ternopil City Council and does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union and the German government.



How to build a fast-growing business — training supported by the EU4Business program

Are you thinking about starting your own business? ��💼
Successfully implementing your business idea in Ukraine during the war is not an easy task at all 💯 However, success in business comes to proactive entrepreneurs who take risks at any time ⚡
So we invite you to the offline course How to build a fast-growing business
The training will include the following topics:🔹Financial and legal aspects for creating a business;🔹Time management and secrets of success;🔹Inspiring leadership in business;🔹Key aspects of grantwriting for business;🔹Business model;🔹 Attracting customers;🔹Sales;🔹 Business marketing.
When? August 18, 14:00-20:00, August 19, 10:00-20:00.Format: offline.Where? Diia.Business Support Center for Entrepreneurs in Ternopil, str. April 15, 2m.Participation is free of charge, subject to prior registration via link
eference information:The training course is organized within the framework of the project "The face of business in the community", which is implemented by the NGO "WEST UKRAINE DIGITAL" within the framework of a grant competition for systemic support of small and medium-sized enterprises commissioned by the international cooperation program "EU4Business: recovery, competitiveness and internationalization of SMEs", which is jointly funded by the European Union and the German government. The grant competition is carried out by the Entrepreneurship Development Fund, the strategic executor of the program is the German federal company Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The program is aimed at supporting economic stability, recovery and growth of Ukraine, creating better conditions for the development of Ukrainian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as supporting innovation and exports.More details:
The content of the publication and the course is the sole responsibility of the NGO "WEST UKRAINE DIGITAL" and does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union, the German government, GIZ.


10, 11, 12.08.2023

Sustainable business development — training within the framework of EU4Business

The project «The face of business in the community» with the support of the EU4Business program continues. We are pleased to announce the start of a new event within the framework of our project - a course for entrepreneurs of the Ternopil community.
The course will help you understand the principles and benefits of a sustainable approach to business:What exactly does sustainable development include? How should you choose goals for your own business? How can innovation help businesses grow? But how should companies communicate and report on their projects?
Business course modules include:🔸Algorithms of forming a successful entrepreneur;🔸Customer orientation;🔸 Export activity;🔸Business model;🔸Fundraising for business;🔸Branding and marketing;🔸Permanence and sustainability of entrepreneurship;🔸Risk management.
Sustainable business development will be especially useful for entrepreneurs who want a step-by-step guide to business adaptation in the face of uncertainty.The course is aimed at owners of small and medium-sized businesses who are interested in:💡further business development;💡creating long-term values;💡building functional partnerships with all stakeholders: employees, consumers, communities, etc.
When? August 10, 16:00-20:00; August 11, 12, 10:00-20:00Format: offlineWhere? Diia.Business Support Center for Entrepreneurs in Ternopil, str. April 15, 2m.Participation is free of charge, subject to prior registration via link
Sustainable development is not just projects of social responsibility, detached from the essence of business processes. It is a "must have" for businesses that want to scale, enter foreign markets and attract investment. So don't miss the opportunity to improve your business for free, and join the course as soon as possible!
The project "The face of business in the community" is implemented by the NGO "WEST UKRAINE DIGITAL" within the framework of a grant competition for systemic support of small and medium-sized enterprises on the order of the international cooperation program "EU4Business: recovery, competitiveness and internationalization of SMEs", which is jointly financed by the European Union and the German government. The grant competition is carried out by the Entrepreneurship Development Fund, the strategic executor of the program is the German federal company Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The program is aimed at supporting economic stability, recovery and growth of Ukraine, creating better conditions for the development of Ukrainian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as supporting innovation and exports.More details:
The content of the publication and the course is the sole responsibility of the NGO "WEST UKRAINE DIGITAL" and does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union, the German government, GIZ.


The international humanitarian organization Mercy Corps together with West Ukraine Digital implements a program for financial support of small and medium-sized businesses that have already relocated or are in the process of relocation due to the war

Priority is given to those businesses that have already relocated or are in the process of relocation to Kyiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv and Ternopil Oblasts and need funds to restore or expand their activities in a new location. The program will help businesses to adapt to changing conditions and create or maintain jobs for the population affected by the war and internally displaced persons (IDPs).
The average amount of financial support is USD 20,000 in UAH equivalent at the current rate of the National Bank of Ukraine, which is provided for the purchase of fixed assets. The program participant must perform the full calculation, accounting, and payment of all taxes in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.
Terms of participation in the program:- official registration and absence of juridical and legal obstacles for entrepreneurial activity in accordance with the requirements of Ukrainian legislation;- creation or sustaining of at least three jobs for IDPs or the conflict-affected population;- investment of own funds in the restoration or expansion of business activities in the amount of up to 50% of the amount of financial support.
Program participants will be selected on a competitive basis according to the following criteria:- clear reasoning for the need to receive financial support;- compliance of the business idea with the conditions and goals of the program;- feasibility and viability of the business idea, which involves an increase in profit as a result of its implementation;- realistic business plan and clear understanding of its implementation;- experience of running a business;- absence of comments on the participant's business reputation.
Please note that applying for this program is only possible after mandatory registration on main page.
The implementation of the project is carried out by the non-governmental organization "West Ukraine Digital".
The program to support the economic stability of Ukraine is implemented with the financial support of Switzerland, provided through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

Web accessibility & government online resources

The non-governmental organization "West Ukraine Digital" acted as a co-organizer of an educational training on web accessibility for more than 120 public employees, which took place on June 29-30 in Lviv and which was organized in partnership with the Lviv Regional Military Administration with the financial support of Japan within the framework of the "Action Support Project". that the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Ukraine implements with funding from Sweden.Public servants from the regional, city and district councils of the Lviv region, as well as representatives of various levels of authorities from the Volyn, Ternopil, and Ivano-Frankivsk regions took part in the training. During two days, they were taught how to write texts and create videos, publications and websites in such a way that they are accessible to all people, including those who cannot see and use special assistive technologies on the Internet - screen readers.Web accessibility is one of the key areas that UNDP in Ukraine is working on together with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. Thanks to joint efforts with Sweden, in recent years the country has fundamentally changed the legislation regulating the web accessibility of state websites. Thus, on June 15, 2022, a new state web accessibility standard based on the progressive European standard EN 301 549 entered into legal force in Ukraine. After the adoption of the Resolution developed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, all executive authorities will be required to comply with its requirements. And in order to make it easier for domestic developers to implement them, the Ministry of Digitization and UNDP in Ukraine initiated the first official translation into Ukrainian of the WCAG international web accessibility guidelines, which formed the basis of the new state standard.The training covered aspects of alternative text, structure and semantics, visual accessibility, color and visual arrangement of elements, text comprehensibility, subtitles and transcription, structure and navigation, visual and user designs, interactive elements, resource testing, technical tasks for ensuring web accessibility of state online -resources.This event facilitated the opportunity to train government officials in skills that will help them further reduce barriers to accessibility of government online resources and create publications in such a way that they can be used by all people, including those with visual impairments.
The project "Digital, inclusive, accessible: support for digitalization of public services in Ukraine" (Action Support Project) is implemented by the United Nations Development Program in Ukraine in partnership with the Ministry of Digital Transformation with the support of Sweden. The project is aimed at overcoming the digital divide between generations and different social groups. The main goal is to increase the availability of new digital solutions so that every man and woman in the country can use electronic services and no one is left out.


Sharing experience as it is

During the panel discussion: presentation of the project "Business development of the Northern Ternopil region", the head of the project office, Ksenia Kachurivska, spoke about the opportunities for entrepreneurs, implemented programs and the main achievements of the Diya.Business support center for entrepreneurs in Ternopil and West Ukraine Digital. Sharing experiences is extremely important right now, as it allows you to learn something new.

As part of the cooperation between the Lanovec City Council and the USAID DOBRE Program, a co-working space for community entrepreneurs was opened today. We congratulate Lanovechchyna on the opening, we are proud of you and wish you success!

Thank you all for participating in the BraveTe Business Forum!

On May 5, the BraveTe Business Forum was held at the Diya.Business Entrepreneur Support Center in Ternopil. The state and prospects of small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine were discussed during the panel discussion "Business Today: Relocation, Challenges and Development Prospects"
The moderator is Kseniya Kachurivska, head of the Diya.Business support center for entrepreneurs in Ternopil and the West Ukraine Digital project office
● Valeriy Reshetnyak – CEO of
● Tatyana Sytnyk – research company CBR, partner, head of B2B and strategic research. Until 2020, she worked at the research company GfK
● Olena Tverdovska – director of Nova Global's customer support department
● Taras Fityo – Co-owner of TOM company
● Taras Kutko – CEO of DELTA FOOD company
During the open lecture, the following spoke about attracting grant funds to business:
● Khrystyna Savulyak – member of the board of the Business People's Club of Ukraine, marketing director, head of SME development programs and projects

The event is implemented within the framework of the International Organization for Migration (IOM Ukraine) project "Development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): economic integration of internally displaced persons and business recovery", financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through the German Development Bank ( KfW). The forum is organized in cooperation with the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The initiator of the event is the NGO West Ukraine Digital, with the support of the Ternopil Regional Military Administration and the Ternopil City Council

We support the economy of Ukraine together!

We learn to submit successful grants

We talked about the possibilities of grant financing for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, the philosophy of donors and how to correctly apply for a grant in order to win it.
Speaker: Iryna Motrin - grant expert, business marketer, owner of the GO marketing agency and the ESKIZ event agency, over 38 million hryvnias were won by the business over 22-23 years
We thank the speaker and all participants for their participation! Till next time!

The educational event took place within the framework of the "Financier" program, which is implemented as part of a tripartite partnership of Diya.Business centers, UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group and Mastercard, aimed at the development and support of domestic entrepreneurs.

The "Face of Business in the Community" project was launched

On April 20, a press conference was held on the occasion of the launch of the "Face of Business in the Community" project, where entrepreneurs were told about the opportunities that can be obtained thanks to this project in the Ternopil community, both from the city council and from the Diya.Business Entrepreneur Support Center in Ternopil. In particular, the following measures of the project are foreseen:

● assessment of the state of the SME sector;
● assessment of the export potential of the community's SME sector;
● review of business processes in the community;
● improvement of communication policy;
● providing consultations for active entrepreneurs and those who want to start their own business;
● training for active entrepreneurs, for those who want to start their own business and IDPs;
● production of educational online courses.

The project is implemented with the aim of creating better conditions for the development of entrepreneurship in the Ternopil community, forming an innovative business culture and acquiring communication skills.

The press conference was attended by: Ihor Krysovaty, deputy mayor for the activities of the council's executive bodies, Tetyana Anishchuk, deputy head of the "EU4Business: recovery, competitiveness and internationalization of SMEs" program, Valeriy Maiboroda, deputy head of the Entrepreneurship Development Fund, head of the Department of Economy, Industry and of Ternopil city council - Tetyana Korchak, head of NGO "West Ukraine Digital" - Oksana Kachurivska. And also more than 40 entrepreneurs, mass media and all other interested persons.

The event was organized by the NGO "WEST UKRAINE DIGITAL", within the framework of the grant competition for systemic support of small and medium-sized enterprises commissioned by the international cooperation program "EU4Business: recovery, competitiveness and internationalization of SMEs", which is jointly financed by the European Union and the German government. The grant competition is carried out by the Entrepreneurship Development Fund, the strategic executor of the program is the German federal company Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The program is aimed at supporting economic stability, recovery and growth of Ukraine, creating better conditions for the development of Ukrainian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as supporting innovation and exports.

Investment is always on time!

Recently in Diya. Business in Ternopil held an open lecture with Maksym Kotsko, where they discussed the topic of investing in stock markets and how to finally start investing.
We thank the speaker and all participants of the open lecture!
The educational event took place within the framework of the Financier program, which is implemented as part of a tripartite partnership of Diya.Biznes centers, Ukrsibbank BNP Paribas Group and Mastercard, aimed at the development and support of domestic entrepreneurs.

UPgrade creative meetup of creative industries

On February 10, 2023, the UPgrade creative meeting of creative industries was held in Ternopil
An event that united creative people, business representatives and simply interested people around the topic of developing creative thinking.
What happened at the event?
● 5 presentations by experts on the development of creative thinking
● exhibition of works of relocated and local representatives of creative industries
● more than 100 inspired participants of the event in the hall
and more than 500 participants online

We express our gratitude to the speakers who took part in the event:

● Andrey Gonkovskiy – entrepreneur, founder of the G-tag online education center, launched more than 156 products over 5 years of activity, influencer.
● ️Hrystyna Boiko – communications consultant, co-owner of the creative agency and action Curator of the "Content Making" course at the Ukrainian Catholic University UCuniversity
● Yaroslava Kravchenko - presenter, director of the Wild Theater, curator of the "All by 10" fund
● Taras Kovalchuk – Metaverse strategist and consultant at Pushka.School. Digital Fashion Strategist at La Muse and P.Delayer. Editor and host of broadcasts at Futurezine. B2B communications partner at New Digital Fashion Magazine
● Maria Yurchak – candidate of historical sciences, teacher of IT STEP Academy, Ternopil, entrepreneur, co-founder of Na poshti. Creative cluster

We thank the participants for the inspiring atmosphere and understanding, for being with us until the end, for the excellent feedback and support for our activities.

See you again at the Diya.Business center in Ternopil!

The project activities of the Diya.Business Center in Ternopil are carried out with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

"Do what you do best. Where you can now"

During 2022, we organized and held 140 events, which gathered as many as 3,544 participantsAmong the largest and most successful:● Economic forum for representatives of small, medium and relocated businesses BraveTe Business Forum: about 170 participants, 11 speakers, 2 panel discussions● Tripartite partnership Diya.Business, Ukrsibbank BNP Paribas Group and Mastercard:Partnership presentations: about 100 participantsFinancial literacy course for schoolchildren - Financier: junior club: 20 participants● Presentation jointly with the Export Credit Agency - EKA of new products: more than 50 participants● Brave Business Forum: more than 100 participants, 12 speakers, 2 panel discussions● Digital Regions Week in Ternopil with the support of the project "Digital, inclusive, accessible: support for digitalization of public services in Ukraine" (Action Support Project), implemented by UNDP Ukraine / UNDP in Ukraine in partnership with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine with the financial support of the Swedish Embassy of Sweden in Kyiv: over 250 participants, 6 regions, 25 speakers, 4 panel discussions● Opening of the photo exhibition "Invincible" and a creative meeting with photographers Konstantin and Vlada Liberov Liberov Photographer: about 100 participants● An express course on grants for business was held twice, where about 600 entrepreneurs took part● On the basis of Diya.Business centers in Ternopil and Uzhgorod, a business course "Strategy for business growth in conditions of uncertainty" was held● 23 business breakfasts were held - a space to exchange experience, ideas, know-how and developments, as well as an opportunity to find business partners, meet experts and expand the circle of communication based on interests
The main results:●  Implemented an initiative within the framework of the EU4Business program: competitiveness and internationalization of SMEs, which is jointly financed by the European Union and the German government and implemented by the German federal company Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, aimed at helping businesses relocate to the western regions of Ukraine●  About 100 events aimed at helping local and relocated entrepreneurs with adaptation, restoration and continuation of business activities have been organized● Implemented the initiative within the program "Application and implementation of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine in the field of trade", financed by the German government and implemented by the German federal company DeutscheGesellschaftfürInternationaleZusammenarbeit(GIZ) GmbH● As part of the project, 3 business development programs for entrepreneurs were implemented in the areas of export, women's entrepreneurship, and business grants.
With the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) on the basis of the Diya.Business centers in Ternopil and Diya.Business in Uzhgorod, support is provided in the development of an inclusive business community in the Ternopil and Transcarpathian regions through constant advisory and educational support for displaced SMEs and IDPs on development issues business with a special emphasis on directions of the creative sector. Support is also provided in the direction of social and economic integration of internally displaced persons.- Within the framework of the project, 26 educational events on the development of entrepreneurial activity have already been held- Training sessions on the directions of the creative sector were held for 50 representatives of local and relocated youth.- The "Residence" co-working space for representatives of the creative sector was created in Ternopil- 10 jobs were provided to representatives of IDPs from the field of creative industries.
We are proud that despite all the difficulties, Diya. Business in Ternopil continued to develop our joint business with even greater zeal, to work on the development of entrepreneurship in Ukraine and to achieve new successes.
The war changed the structure of our life, but it did not change the mission of Diya.Business: "To make Ukraine a country of entrepreneurs." Therefore, we continue to work, launch projects and educational events, advise and help Ukrainian businesses to maintain a strong economic background and, at the same time, build a new, strong and effective Ukraine!

A regional data center has been created in Ternopil

Creating data centers with the latest technologies is an important step towards ensuring the reliability and security of data in the digital world.

That is why, on the initiative of the Department of Digital Transformation of the Ternopil Regional Military Administration and cooperation with the State Archive of the Ternopil Region, the Regional Data Processing Center (data center) was created.
The West Ukraine Digital Project Office and the Visa company became partners in the creation of the data center.

The main goal of creating a regional data center is to create a single place for hosting the server capacities of executive power bodies and local self-government bodies of Ternopil region.

Also, in the created data center, there is an opportunity to deploy their information systems to local self-government bodies and regional military administrations from the territories where hostilities are ongoing or to relocate their server equipment.

Among the advantages of the regional data center:
● safe location in the center of western Ukraine;
● centralized round-the-clock physical security and physical access monitoring system;
● quality engineering infrastructure;
● availability of necessary telecommunications;
● round-the-clock technical support.

The location of all capacities in one place will significantly reduce the costs of maintaining and servicing servers, simplify the organization of information protection, and due to the virtualization of servers, their resources will be used more efficiently.

The other day there was an event during which they talked about how to develop business through grants.Small and medium-sized businesses are going through difficult times, but they continue to work. In today's realities, to continue working = to support the economy = to help the country.UKRSIBBANK and Mastercard have launched an initiative to support individual entrepreneurs, within the framework of which monetary incentives for businesses in the amount of 1,500,000 hryvnias are being raffled off.The educational event took place within the framework of the "Financier" program, which is implemented as part of a tripartite partnership of Diya.Biznes centers, Ukrsibbank BNP Paribas Group and Mastercard, aimed at the development and support of domestic entrepreneurs.
Learn more about how to get incentives for business:

Opening of the photo exhibition "Unconquered" in Ternopil by Odessa photographers Konstantin and Vlada Liberovyh

Invincibility is our choice!
On Sunday, December 11, 2022, the opening of the photo exhibition "The Unscathed" in Ternopil by Odessa photographers Konstantin and Vlada Liberovy took place:
"Our global goal is that no one forgets about the war in Ukraine. Yes, we may not have such exclusives as the big news agencies, but there is a lot of sincerity in our work. The main thing we have achieved today is the trust of the military. The boys are no longer afraid to let us go where they are and show us their daily lives. They know that this information will remain confidential and the photos will become part of their family archives and not in the public domain.
Our only request is to talk about the war, don't forget the military and the people who suffered. And we are happy, because together we continue to do what we love, albeit in a new way."
The authors of the photos, Kostyantyn Liberov and Vlada Liberova, are Ukrainian photographers who have been documenting war crimes since the beginning of the war, and share with us photos from the epicenter of the war in real time. Their photos are repeatedly published in social networks and printed publications in Ukrainian and international mass media.
The main idea of the photo exhibition is to continue to maintain public attention to the war and to speak loudly about the consequences of military actions, through documentary photography, for reflection and rethinking

The "Undefeated" photo exhibition was organized by the Diya.Business Entrepreneur Support Center in Ternopil in partnership with the NGO Creative Hub "Osadchi" with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Being an entrepreneur means having courage, self-confidence, and not being afraid of change.
Congratulations to all graduates of the business course "Strategy for business growth in conditions of uncertainty".
We wish you all even greater courage in the development of your businesses!
The business course took place from October 19 to November 9, 2022 and consisted of 10 modules.

Get more knowledge with Diya.Business!

The project activities of the Diya.Business Center in Ternopil are carried out with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Digital Regions Week regional digital transformation forum took place in Ternopil

On November 4, 2022, a regional digital transformation forum was held in Ternopil as part of the Digital Regions Week Ukrainian regional digital transformation week.
The forum was attended by representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, owners of technology companies, representatives of authorities and local self-government bodies, as well as everyone interested in digital transformation.
"Digital transformation of regions is one of the priority areas of work of the Ministry of Digital Affairs. That is why we have been working for a long time to ensure that every region has CDTOs or digital leaders who will help speed up changes in the field of digitization in every corner of Ukraine. In the conditions of war, it is especially necessary to ensure the functioning of the infrastructure, uninterrupted access to education and training, the provision of medical services, the improvement of cyber security and the support of the economic front of the country in general. Does your community need digitization? I hope that the Digital Regions Week regional forums will guide you in this direction. Let's digitize together!", said Valeriya Ionan, Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation for European Integration.
Volodymyr Brusilovskyi, head of the "Action Support Project", emphasized that along with the digitization of public services, it is important not to forget about ensuring their accessibility - so that all citizens can use the new tools created in the state.
"Digitalization of public administration helps to increase the transparency, efficiency and quality of the provision of public services for citizens. That is why the UN Development Program in Ukraine, with the support of Sweden, strives to continue supporting the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine in the development of new electronic services, taking care of their accessibility, so that all Ukrainians can use the assets of digital transformation," he said.The forum was held with the participation of CDTO and representatives of the Ternopil, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Khmelnytskyi and Rivne regional military administrations.During the forum, key issues were discussed regarding the achievement of communities on the way to digitalization, support and development of digital projects in communities and cities, digital accessibility and globalization.
Serhii Nadal, Mayor of Ternopil:"Digitalization is one of the strategic tasks, and even more so in the conditions of war. Developed regions in the field of digitization are important for progressive movement in sectoral directions - economy, infrastructure, education and medicine, transport, tourism and security, and are also a guarantee of the stability of the economy and the development of the country as a whole. In Ternopil, we pay special attention to the electronic participation of citizens, and now it is important that everyone can participate in such opportunities without exception."
The forum became a platform for interaction where national and regional leaders were able to meet and discuss new ideas in the field of digital development of Ukraine.
Mykhailo GAPULA, Deputy Chief of the Ternopil Regional Military Administration for Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitalization (CDTO):"Today's event is a new opportunity to expand the horizons of cooperation in the western region and take the vector for the development of the economy and digitalization in the conditions of relocation of Ukrainian business and development of communities."
As part of the forum, a memorandum of cooperation between West Ukraine Digital and the Khmelnytskyi and Rivne regional military administrations was signed. As well as presentations of the new Smart Region project offered by West Ukraine Digital in collaboration with partners and a data center in Ternopil.
Oksana Kachurivska, head of the West Ukraine Digital project office, head of the Diya.Business support center for entrepreneurs:"Smart Region will be a logical step in the development of electronic services in every city. This is the integration of the city portal into a multifunctional application, which combines a means of payment and a citizen's portal for interacting with the authorities, receiving city services, services and active participation in the life of the city."
Even simple solutions can significantly improve the life of a community. The implementation of e-tools does not always require significant funds, sometimes it is enough to start with the scaling of already available digital services.
Organizer of the event: West Ukraine Digital project office together with Diya.Business Entrepreneur Support Center in Ternopil.The forum is organized with the support of the project "Digital, inclusive, accessible: support for digitalization of public services in Ukraine" (Action Support Project), which is implemented by UNDP in Ukraine in partnership with the Ministry of Digital Transformation with the financial support of Sweden.

A Brave forum for entrepreneurs was held in Ternopil: relocation and activities during the war were discussed

On November 3, 2022, the Brave Business Forum was held in the Avalon Palace hotel and restaurant complex in Ternopil, which was attended by business representatives from the western and central regions of Ukraine.

During the forum, business owners discussed the problems of business in the conditions of war. The program of the forum consisted of two thematic blocks devoted to communication regarding the relocation of business to the western regions and the presentation of research results by representatives of analytical institutions.

Speakers working in various industries shared their experiences and ideas on how to run your own business during the war.

During the forum, Andriy Remizov, director of the State Enterprise Development and Export Office, noted that the western regions have taken the initiative from the eastern and central parts of Ukraine in terms of business development and relocation. In terms of relocation, rates of business registration and the share of working enterprises, the leaders are now Lviv, Khmelnytskyi, Ternopil, Zakarpattia oblasts

"Everyone asked themselves the right question: what kind of Ukraine do we want to start building after our Victory over the aggressor? What should we do with the economy in wartime? Since the future competitive Ukraine must organically fit into the future world, creating it, it is necessary to understand today's main trends in its development," said Stepan Kuybida, Director of the Department of Economic Policy of the Lviv Regional Military Administration

Today, Ukrainian business holds the economy of our country on its shoulders. The best services, the highest quality products, the fastest service - all this is about our brave entrepreneurs.

"How to adapt to a large number of people and new businesses, what conditions can the region create so that this number increases? For this purpose, we organized such an event. Every crisis is also a time for change, transformation and growth. Real change, to adapt your business to new economic realities to become better, more efficient, more competitive and more sustainable, requires real courage. After all, it is the courage of Ukrainian entrepreneurs that helps to hold the economic front," said Oksana Kachurivska, head of the Entrepreneur Support Center Diya.Business in Ternopil, head of the West Ukraine Digital project office.

Such events are important because they allow you to get concentrated knowledge, a quality environment for communication with the best experts. It is clear that the economy is in a difficult state, there are many challenges. If we do not concentrate on creating competitiveness, even when everything is over and the country will be better, it will not be done in one day.

Volodymyr Glaschenkov, chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Molokiya company, noted:
"We lived 30 years of independence in the paradigm of local people, active elites and lack of openness to people who came from other regions. Now we very quickly need to change the paradigm, get used to the fact that other people, but with faith in Ukraine, are ours. This is a challenge. And together with them, with displaced people, we can do more than without them."

The initiator of the event is the West Ukraine Digital project office together with the Diya.Business Entrepreneur Support Center in Ternopil.
Molokiya, Visa and PrivatBank became partners of the event.
The event was held with the support of the Ternopil Regional Military Administration and the Ternopil City Council.

Digitization 2023 to be!

On October 27-28, 2022, an internal strategic session "Regional Digitization 2023" regarding the digital development of regions was held in an offline format for representatives from different parts of Ukraine.

The participants from the Ternopil Oblast were Deputy Chief of the Ternopil Regional Military Administration (CDTO) Mykhailo Gapula, Advisor to the Head of the Ternopil Regional Military Administration on Digitization Oleksandr Tereshchenko and Head of the West Ukraine Digital Project Office Oksana Kachurivska.

It was possible to summarize what was done in 2022 and develop a future strategy for the development of each region.

The West Ukraine Digital team presented the Data Center projects and its own Smart City concept developed together with partners.

Digital transformation in the regions of Ukraine remains a priority of the Ministry of Digital and Regional Policy. In the conditions of war, digitization is necessary to ensure the functioning of infrastructure, uninterrupted access to education and training, provision of medical services, improvement of cyber security and support of the economic front of the country in general.

Memorandum on the development of the environment for IT business

With the beginning of active hostilities on the territory of Ukraine, the operation of business required non-standard solutions, relocation of the enterprise - restoration and restart.

Therefore, part of Kharkiv Aitiv residents relocated to the West of the country to continue their activities. Ternopil Region has become a reliable rear and place of further work for Kharkiv IT Cluster.

Since then, West Ukraine Digital NGO and Kharkiv IT Cluster have merged and continue to jointly develop the country's economy.

So far, the West Ukraine Digital NGO and the Kharkiv IT Cluster have signed a Memorandum on the development of the technological environment in the Ternopil, Lviv, Chernivtsi and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.

Areas of cooperation include support for relocated IT companies, implementation of digitization in business processes, and technological development of small and medium-sized businesses.

At the same time, such cooperation will promote joint educational initiatives and encourage young people to the prospects and opportunities in IT.

Therefore, we continue to work further and move towards victory together. Everything will be Ukraine!

The memorandum on interregional cooperation has been signed!

From now on, four western oblasts: Lviv, Ternopil, Chernivtsi, and Ivano-Frankivsk have united with the public organization "West Ukraine Digital" for comprehensive digital development of the regional economy.
The signing of the memorandum providesdevelopment and implementation of joint initiatives in the areas of:- digitization;- information and communication technologies;- innovations of entrepreneurship and business.
Together we will win!

West Ukraine Digital launches the Residence project

To support the development of a creative business community in the Ternopil region, West Ukraine Digital is launching the Residence project as part of the project activities of the Action.Business Center in Ternopil.
Within the Residence will be available:- free co-working space for relocated representatives of creative industries, the workplaces of which are already equipped with modern computer equipment and appropriate merch;- trainings and educational sessions in areas of the creative sector for representatives of local and relocated youth of the region;- an exhibition of the works of talented people in the creative sphere as part of the concluded conference.
Therefore, we invite representatives of the creative sector who have moved to Ternopil to take part in the project and take advantage of the opportunities at the Diya.Business Center in Ternopil.
Project activities of the Diya.Business Center in Ternopil are carried out with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

West Ukraine Digital is starting work on a new major project

West Ukraine Digital is starting work on a new major project, on the occasion of the launch of which a press conference was held on September 20, 2022, where the project activities of Diya.Business Entrepreneur Support Centers in Ternopil and Uzhhorod were presented.
During the press conference, the details of the further work of Diya.Business centers, which will work on building the business community in the Ternopil and Zakarpattia regions, were discussed. The centers will provide advisory support to displaced businesses, help them adapt to the new environment and resume efficient operations. Special emphasis will be placed on helping the creative sector.
Priority directions of work of the centers:- support and development of the business environment in the region;- educational programs on business development for displaced enterprises;- consulting support for starting and running a business;- courses, trainings for representatives of the creative sector;and more.
Shadrach Ludeman, the permanent representative in Ukraine of the USAID Bureau for Transition Initiatives, welcomed the start of such an important initiative.
The press conference was held with the participation of: Andriy Remizov - acting director of the State University "Office for the Development of Entrepreneurship and Export" Ihor Krysovaty - deputy mayor for the activities of the council's executive bodies Viktor Ustenko - Deputy Chief of the Ternopil Regional Military Administration Halyna Volyanyk - Director of the Department of Economic Development and Trade of Ternopil Oblast Ksenia Kachurivska - head of the Diya.Business support center for entrepreneurs in Ternopil, head of the West Ukraine Digital project officeLesya Kainer is the head of the Diya.Business Entrepreneur Support Center in Uzhhorod.
"West Ukraine Digital" NGO is the executor of the project activity of the Diya.Business Center in Ternopil and Uzhhorod, which is implemented with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).


The next school year for schoolchildren and students should start soon.
In order to help one of the resettled families, West Ukraine Digital handed over a laptop for schoolboy Roman from Kharkiv.
Supporting each other, helping, volunteering, donating - this is very important in such a difficult time!
Together we are strong, together we will win!

West Ukraine Digital continues to initiate new partnerships

A Memorandum of Cooperation between MTB BANK and West Ukraine Digital was recently signed
The purpose of cooperation is to initiate partnership relations to increase innovative development in the interests of economic growth in the western region of Ukraine. Modern information and communication technologies and means of digital transformation will be used during the implementation of cooperation.
MTB BANK and West Ukraine Digital will jointly work on the tasks of digital transformation of the region's development, namely: implementation of open data and analytics; improvement of the investment climate; increasing the level of development of safety and accessibility of banking services for citizens of Ukraine.In addition, they will work on identifying current problems of the functioning of the banking system and develop digital tools aimed at solving them.
Therefore, such cooperation will be aimed at building partnerships, digitalization and maximum automation of processes, constant innovative growth of banking technologies, which will ensure rapid adaptation to the changing conditions of the financial market.

The BraveTe economic forum for entrepreneurs was held in Ternopil

On August 26, BraveTe Business Forum was held at the Diya.Business Entrepreneur Support Center in Ternopil, where business representatives from the western and central regions of Ukraine gathered.
During the forum, business owners discussed the problems of business in the conditions of war.
The program of the forum consisted of two separate thematic blocks dedicated to the relocation of talents and businesses and the HoReCa market during the war. Eleven speakers working in various fields spoke at the forum. The speakers shared their experiences and ideas, told how to run their own business during the war.

Mykhailo Gapula, deputy head of the Ternopil Regional Military Administration, gave a welcome speech:
- We are interested in the fact that the entrepreneurs of our region have the opportunity to continue their activities and develop, even with an unstable situation in the country. Such events are aimed at giving entrepreneurs and business owners inspiration and motivation for further improvement. In times of war, the economy is the engine that brings us closer to victory.

About 170 participants registered to participate in the form.

Ukrainians are divided into brave and very brave. After all, it is the courage of Ukrainian entrepreneurs that helps to hold the economic front. Therefore, the name of the Forum - BraveTe - became symbolic.

- The West of Ukraine today has an important mission. He must change his reality and adapt to new conditions. Because today many enterprises, people, immigrants have moved to Ternopil. Our task is to communicate these entrepreneurs among themselves within the framework of the forum. Talk about how the city and region should work in this direction. How to adapt to a large number of people and new businesses, what conditions can the region create so that this number increases? To do this, we organized such an event, - noted Oksana Kachurivska, head of the Entrepreneur Support Center Diya.Business in Ternopil, head of the West Ukraine Digital project office

In these difficult times, we must understand the importance of the functioning of enterprises. Such events are new opportunities for Ternopil, because only by expanding the horizons of cooperation will we be able to develop and be a European state.

The business forum was organized with the support of the Ternopil Regional Military Administration, the Ternopil City Council, as well as the general partner - the "Molokia" company. Support in the organization was provided by Visa and PRIVATBANK.


West Ukraine Digital took part in the Economic Forum, which took place on June 6-7 as part of this year's Three Seas Local Government Congress in Lublin (Poland).During the Congress, important issues regarding the cooperation of the regions in the zone of the Three Seas Initiative in the conditions of the war in Ukraine were discussed.In particular, West Ukraine Digital joined an online meeting with Polish partners - Agnieszka Gąsior-Mazur - Prezes Stowarzyszenia from The Lublin Business Club association in B2B format, during which it was possible to exchange experience, contacts and information with the prospect of starting cooperation in the field of digital security. open data, development and support in the implementation of joint projects in the field of digital transformation.We thank the Polish business community, which comprehensively supports and provides assistance to Ukrainian entrepreneurs in the recovery of the economy!Together we will win!

West Ukraine Digital launches new partnerships

After all, it strives to more effectively implement joint projects together with partners.It is for this purpose that West Ukraine Digital concluded a Memorandum of Cooperation with Greennet.This is a company that implements IT solutions from the best global manufacturers, which allows you to easily optimize processes in the region.Therefore, such cooperation will be aimed at the development, implementation and use of such IT products that will help businesses adapt and launch new digital business processes.West Ukraine Digital continues to support the economic front and does everything to increase the level of development of digitalization in the western region of Ukraine.

Switch to Ukrainian services!

Today, the question of how to properly replace the Russian service and switch to technical support of Ukrainian production arises.We are starting work on the implementation of one of these projects - Ukrainian Medical CRM.The goal of the project is to automate the management of the orthopedic and traumatology department of the Ternopil Regional Hospital by developing for them an analogue of the Russian service on the Ukrainian-made CRM systemWe implement the project with the company Eservia.As a result, through the use of digital solutions in the adjustment of activity processes, we automate and optimize the work of the orthopedic and trauma department of the Ternopil Regional Hospital.

On June 20, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Department of Digital Transformation of the Ternopil Regional Military Administration and the public organization "West Ukraine Digital" to strengthen cooperation. The conclusion of the Memorandum is the basis for expanding cooperation and will contribute to the exchange of information and mutual support, as well as the establishment of closer ties in the direction of digital transformation, in particular, in the field of the creation of the Interregional Data Center - a safe space with appropriate technical and security conditions, where the regional administrations could place its servers and provide a colocation service for territorial communities of the region.


Together for digital development and victory!

On July 1, the team of the West Ukraine Digital project office handed over laptops and mobile LTE routers for the Orthopedic and Trauma Department of the Ternopil Regional Clinical Hospital. The Head of the Department, Orthopedic Traumatologist Serhii Hariyan received the necessary help. The equipment was collected thanks to the support of partners and patrons. The team of the West Ukraine Digital Project Office will continue to support the collection of humanitarian equipment for where it is urgently needed, to support the activities of regional administrations and local governments.Follow the news and be the first to learn about our digitization projects!


We contribute to the digital development of the Ternopil region!

On July 1, the team of the West Ukraine Digital Project Office handed over laptops and mobile LTE routers for the needs of internally displaced persons who are in the Zarvanytsya Marian Spiritual Centre. It is now very important to modernize and digitize most services to make them much easier to use. The equipment was collected thanks to the support of partners and patrons. The team of the West Ukraine Digital Project Office will continue to support the collection of humanitarian equipment for transfer to the east, where it is urgently needed, to support the activities of regional administrations and local governments.We are working for victory!

Together for digitalization of the Western region!

On June 29, in Ternopil, the Head of the West Ukraine Digital Project Office, Oksana Kachurivska, met with representatives of PJSC MTB Bank: Yurii Kralov - Chairman of the Board, Dmytro Tkachenko - manager of the branch in Lviv, Oleksandr Borisov - manager of the branch in Kharkiv. MTB Bank recently became a partner in opening a Project Office. During the meeting, they discussed the perspective and possibilities of further cooperation. The main task and purpose of the partnership is to form the institutional and business capacity of the western region, to direct efforts to its development. The meeting took place at the Diia.Business Support Center for Entrepreneurs in Ternopil.Thank you very much for such valuable support of our Project Office!We invite regions, communities, technological businesses and startups to cooperate for the joint development of digital projects in the Western Region and Ukraine in general.


With the support of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and Visa, a Project Office West Ukraine Digital have been opened

With the support of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and Visa, a Project Office West Ukraine Digital have been opened
On June 23, 2022, the West Ukraine Digital project office was officially opened in the Diia.Business center in Ternopil.
The Project Office will promote digital transformation at the regional and local levels and will cover 4 regions of Western Ukraine - Ternopil, Lviv, Chernivtsi and Ivano-Frankivsk.
Valeria Ionan, Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation for European Integration: “Because of the war, many entrepreneurs had to relocate their businesses. The opening of the West Ukraine Digital Project Office will promote business development and digital transformation processes in Western Ukraine. This is a really large-scale project, as it includes four regions. We already have a good example of the work of the project office in Cherkasy region, which has successfully implemented a number of projects on digitalization of the region. Among the advantages for residents of the western regions of Ukraine are the development of IT infrastructure, automation of local authorities, as well as the implementation of projects in the fields of education, ecology, economics, medicine, tourism, open data and accessibility. I am convinced that thanks to the work of West Ukraine Digital, the western region of Ukraine will become even more attractive and interesting for investors and partners. "
Priority areas of work of the West Ukraine Digital Project Office:● support and development of the business environment in the region;● preparation and development of projects for digital transformation of industries in the region;● support and promotion of innovative projects.
Mykhailo Gapula, Deputy Head of Ternopil Regional State Administration for Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitization: “The initiative to create a Project Office was a timely response to the challenges of society before the war. It is the successful examples of creating similar institutions in other regions that prompted us to create an office in Ternopil. The office will be tasked with implementing digital development projects, cooperating with regional administrations, local communities, private institutions and business institutions in order to fully implement the tasks set by the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the regions that have entered the office.
Svitlana Chirva, Visa Vice President and Regional Manager in Ukraine: “Digital transformation is at the heart of the Ukrainian government's strategy before and during the war. This is not only the availability of certain equipment, but also, above all, access with opportunities for fast and, most importantly, quality service. We are proud to support the opening of the West Ukrainian Digital project office. This project will continue the successful cooperation of Visa on digital development in partnership with the Ministry of Digital Transformation, as well as regional state administrations. "
Oksana Kachurivska, Head of the West Ukraine Digital Project Office: “Our main slogan will be the creation of projects that are ahead of time! One of the first such projects of the office will be the Interregional Data Center - a "safe" space with appropriate technical and security conditions, where the regional state administration could place its servers in a single space and provide a colocation service for local communities. In the future, the office will implement digital development projects in the region, cooperate with investors, creditors and businesses in implementing their initiatives. "
The West Ukrainian Digital Project Office was established with the support of Visa.The broadcast of the official opening can be viewed on the Facebook page.


On February 23, the day before the start of a full-scale war with russia, a meeting of deputy heads of regional state administrations on digital transformation of Ternopil - Mykhailo Hapula, Lviv - Oleksandr Kulepin, Ivano-Frankivsk - Bohdan Futerko and Chernivtsi - Roman Skyhar took place in Ternopil. The meeting took place at the Diia.Business center in Ternopil.During the meeting they discussed the prospects and possibilities of creating a Western Ukrainian project office - West Ukraine Digital under the initiative of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. The main task facing the future office will be the development of the digital environment of the western region, support for the digital transformation of the region, the formation of the Western Ukrainian Center for Innovation and Digitization, joining forces for simple and fast digital solutions.
Already now, we have opened a project office West Ukraine Digital in the new realities, but with the same inspiration for development.We invite regions, communities, technology businesses and startups to cooperate for the joint development of digital projects in the western region and Ukraine in general.


On June 10, a joint team of the Department of Digital Transformation of Ternopil Regional State Administration, Ternopil Information and Analytical Center of Ternopil Regional Council and the project office of West Ukraine Digital handed over the necessary equipment for the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration. The humanitarian cargo consisted of technical equipment necessary for the resumption of work, connection to the Internet and the continuation of work of the Kharkiv Military Administration, namely: monitors, switches, computers. The equipment was collected thanks to the support of partners and patrons.The team of the West Ukraine Digital Project Office will continue to support the collection of humanitarian equipment for transfer to the east, where it is urgently needed, to support the activities of regional administrations and local governments.Working together for digital development and victory!Special thanks for the logistical support in transporting equipment to the east - Yaroslav Kolodiy and the head of the Kharkiv IT Cluster - Olga Shapoval.


Office for Enterprise and Export Development and Diia.Business launch an innovative hotline format - virtual center Diia.Business

Immigrated Ukrainians in European countries are often faced with a lack of information about the rules and procedures of registration of their own residence, business registration, employment and receiving assistance

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